Lenovo Focuses On Technology Growth To Boost Its Mobile Market

blog_cyberincidentsLenovo Group is facing an uphill task to balance the loss due to fall personal computer shipments with technology innovations for mobile phones to boost mobile sales.

All around the world there has been a sharp decline in the personal computer market, with demand going down drastically. In a bid to offset declining personal computer sales, Lenovo acquired Motorola smart-phone business at $2.8 billion in 2014. However the Motorola Smartphones have failed to make a mark in the highly competitive mobile market space.

To boost sales, Lenovo is strapping its phones with technology to entice customers. Yuanqing Yang, the Chairman and CEO of the company announced in San Francisco that they are expanding their core business of PC manufacturing and have been making acquisitions to reflect this change. Motorola acquisition is a significant step in that direction. It has however failed to make a positive impact.

The new Lenovo phones will have Google’s sensory technology, Tango built in. The new Lenovo Phab 2 Pro will be the first Smartphones to include Tango that enables augmented reality gaming and utilities.

What this means to the gaming world is that you can see virtual objects juxtaposed with the real world and play out your fantasies. For gaming enthusiasts, you can create a chain of dominos in your room and bust them all down. They are virtual, so no cleaning involved! Tango can map your environment around, so as to help you navigate all around. These features sound pretty exciting!

With Lenovo focusing on integration with latest technologies, Lenovo hopes to boost their mobile phone sales. But it needs to be seen if it can offset the company’s financial losses which amount to nearly $128 million a year.

The Phab 2 Pro phones are the first to include AR technology without the use of headsets, or other external attachments to computers. These new phones would be priced at about $499.

Lennovo will also be adding Moto Z and Moto Z Force and intends to increase the capabilities of cellphones by letting you add speakers, battery power, projectors etc by strapping on a high powered magnet to the back of your phone.

It remains to be seen if these features increase demand and boost the sales of the Lennovo phones and compensate for the dip in PC sales.

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